Because I'm still devastated by the outcome of the Dutch soccer competition I decided to throw myself off a building. It looks like friday is the day that I'm going to do what I have been wanting to do for a long time now, and that's doing a bungy jump. This jump will happen from the Macau tower, which tops at 338 metres, but has commercial sky- and bungyjumps at the 233 metre level. They started doing jumps since last december. Since it is a tower a person is not completely free to bounce all ways when jumping, but it is controlled by two lines on the side that will keep a person from hitting the tower itself. I met people that already did the jump and they told me how amazing it is... once you finally pull yourself together and jump. I'm pretty sure it will be an amazing thing to do, at least I hope so.
In other news, not much is happening in Macau right now. Yesterday (tuesday) was a public holiday because of labour day. Where the rest of China has a whole week of, Macau and Hong Kong only have one day. Currently Iris' boyfriend Jonathan and Jamie's friend Floor are here so we visited the Sands casino two days in a row. An Appearantly famous Chinese female singer was performing and all of the sudden I was standing within a crazy chinese crowd. She was throwing dolls in the crowds and people started fighting to get it. I guess I'm not completely Chinese yet cause it didn't feel the urge to throw myself in there to confiscate what is 'mine'. But then again, I guess I have a lot to learn yet...
As I mentioned before, days are getting a bit slower here in Macau, but at the other hand the end is getting closer and soon enough I have to start learning (my parents are reading this, what do you want me to say?). After that the trip through China will start so I have something to look forward to.
Word on the street is that the exchange students are going to make it in Hollywood soon. It seems that in Guangzhou a movie and/or serie is going to be shot about the life of Bruce Lee. They are searching for 2000 people that have a western appearance to have a role in the movie. We send out an email applying for this, so we'll just see what comes from it. I'm sure we can chance the movieworld for eternity with our classic performance of a pedestrian getting its ass kicked by a crazy flying Chinese. It doesn't get much better than that!